Friday, May 20, 2011

Surrounded by Cuckoos, but I was the crazy one

In certain situations where one believes he/she is perfectly rational or compitient in what they are doing but is viewed as being radical or insane. An example of this is the priest that professes that the world is going to end on May 21st 2011. he feel that his theory is absolutely justified and rational, while others belive it to be on the other side of the spectrum and impossible. He is staunch in his beliefs and even though the majority belives the opposite of him he honestly feels like his thought process is the superior to that of others so he ironically is viewd as "the crazy one"

Thoughts about Earlier Thinking

I can hpnestly say that because of this class my thought process has changed for the better, evolved if you will haha. I think that the views that i had on life and other critical questions have greatly devoloped based solely on the conversations that we have everyday. We tackle serious topics that actually apply to individual lives as well as the "bigger picture". All in all my philosophy has been altered a bit due to this class and I see it in a positive light.

Letter to the Prospective Philosophy Student

Think Analyze and Execute. My advise to the prospective philosophy student. The class is designed to help you process your thooughts in ways that you never thought you could. It also forces you to see other perspectives and views that may be foreign to you and that you dont understand. Initially you may come in thinking your views on life are pretty concrete but over the course of the class i can gaurantee that this aspect will change and be skewed where you will be second guessing yourself. This being said find out for yourself Young Philosopher.

Me at the End

Me at the end of this class. I feel like this class has somewhat matured everyone, including me. The ideas that we approach in this class definately are insightful enough to spark thought processes i didnt even know that i had. I am thankful for the instructor that guided us through al of this regardless of his overuse of the acclaimed shoulder strap. It has truly been a fun experience in which i can confindently say everyone has gained something out of it.

Monday, May 16, 2011

I know this means something

"This" the essence of being, the very act of living and surviving has to mean SOMETHING. It all cant be for nothing, that would be pointless. Maybe the reason that we are here is credited with being more than it actually is, nevertheless there has to be a plausible reason for all of "this". i couldn't imagine that "this" was all a pointless outsource of nothingness. But then again if "this" is a pointless life of nothingness with no purpose i still feel it is irrelevant to my lifetime.This being said i accept the inevitable "truth" of whatever is to come, since it wouldnt matter anyway.

X is Known

Compared to other civil rights activists i feel like X isnt completely studied and given full credit for his philosophies. I think he is viewed more negatively than he actually was. He is usually associated with violence and affirmative action more than any other activist who is usually deemed as peaceful or passive aggressive. X even though his philosophy did include more affirmative acts only did so in self defense, compared to the philosophy of other activist that felt time would mend the damage already done. Both ways were good ways to look at the situation and ultimately could result in the same things, one just had a slightly more negative tag with it.

X marks the Spot

X does mark the spot. He marks the spot directly and where it hurts, his philosophy on how the african american culture should act makes alot of sense. The fact that he believes that they should be independent from "White America" and fend for themselves instead of depending on some sort if magical change. X definately has passion for what he is talking about, he strongly believes that there should be an intersecting line between both cultures. Although i do not necessarily believe in this in this day and time, i can understand where X is coming from with his decision to isolate both cultures.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Album review

Jkwons album hood hop was the best album to grace anyone whos anyones ears the intricate sounds and beautiful beat selection literally made my heart move... Lyrics such as "everyone in the club getting tipsy" shows the pure genius of a lyrical god. He introduces a concept that shows that no matter ones age they can still get crunk and tipsy,exhibited by the obvious cougar that appeared in the tipsy video. Gosh! E ve n talking about it has me gasping for is breathtaking and is aninstabt classic in the hearts of all . Keep it tipsy.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sports in My Life

Sports in my life used to play a big part...that is until I stopped playing sports. Sports still have a big effect on me though, whether i am watching them or playing them recreationally sports definately have a place in my life. Sports are a fun and easy way to relieve stress and build your friendships if not new ones. You can always make new friends playing sports...or you can make enemies sometimes people take them to seriously and then conflicts begin to break out, thats the downside to it, but all in all sports are definately a good outlet for almost anyone so i suggest everyone should incorporate them into life at least just a little.

Thankful for a Classmate

What classmate am i thankful for?...Justin Falconer if Justin didnt sit behind me everyday and say the most racist things i have ever heard in my life and degrade everyuthing i have come to know where would i be in Mr McCarthy's philosophy class. Justin is so damn clutch. Everyday almost without fail he starts talking to me only for Mr. McCarthy to turn around and say MY name in a dissapointing voice. Man im sooo thankful for this guy he really makes my day I really hope he keeps this up during second semester like i would be sad if he didnt. YEA!

Letter to the Author

Cormac McCarthy i hated your book. Not because it wasnt a good tale or it didnt have substance, simply because of the ending. Why, why iwould you choose to end the book like that in a dues ex machina sort of way, that is simply terrible. At least write a sequel since you left us all on edge. All the time spent reading and analyzing your book for one of the worst ending ive read in my life. You lose Cormac and i say that sincerly, as a writer....and because your last name is McCarthy. On a serious note though i really think you should invest in writing a sequel it is only fair to your readers

Dinosauria ,We

The Poet was justified in his belief and what he chose to write in his poem. The poem speaks upon how we humanity is basically doomed to suffer naturally. It speaks on how we cant get rid of simple things such as corruption and hate and how eventually all of these traits wil catch up to us and rise to the surface. Resistance is futile in the eyes of the poet and we have to come to terms with our fate. He is basing his analysis of history I suppose because it does repeat itself many times in various different ways. That being said I kind of agree with Charles Bukowski human nature is to evolve and progress, and that can only be done by destroying past life and cultures, the past cannot assimilate with the present and that is just a sad truth.