Friday, October 15, 2010

The Purpose

Why are we here? What were we created for? What is the point of exsistence? These are only some of the questions that people ask themselves every single day. All around the world people try to reach a solution to these questions that plague the human race. From my interpertation we are here for the sole purpose of exsisting. I believe in a supreme being or force that actually did create everything, that being either energy or some sort of god , or omnicient being that defies everything that we were tauguht to learn. On the other hand I also believe that we are here to find out why we are here, not trying to find out the answer but actually just exisisting long enough until it naturally presents itself to us.In some way life is being monitered by some sort of being, be that nature or the energy that is all around us, and only those unseen forces hold the secret to why we are here and what our true purpose is. The simple thing that we have to do is accept the fact that we probably cant find the answer to such an absurd problem, just because by human definition we can never have 100% truth there is always a.001 chance of that error that we HAVE to account for so therefore we should let the answer present itself naturally. That is our purpose


  1. OHHH you're telling me there is NO ANSWER!!! blasphemy!

    ps...u misspelled >>>
    EXISTENCE (only one S)
    omniscient (add an S)
    monitor (not with an E)
    :) otherwise NICE

  2. doctor phil on dirt wit u lol.... i thought is was good :)

  3. Thats the first time Ive heard anyone explore the idea that the meaning will just present itself...innovative.
